How can EFT Help ADHD Dysregulation By Helping You To Release Emotions?

Have you ever heard of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)? If you have ADHD and you haven’t, then read on, as it can really help you connect to yourself, increase interoception, allow you to process your emotions and reduce your ADHD symptoms.
When I was in the ‘not knowing’ phase of my ADHD (pre-diagnosis and I had assumed I had grown out of it), I had a couple of years of talking therapy, but my emotional regulation didn’t improve. What I came to realise is that the 'little T' trauma which often comes along with ADHD (either from experiencing the years of criticism and/or the negativity that often come with a hyperactive child) sits in the body, and as ADHDers often intellectualise therapy, staying in the drama of day to day life and keeping in all in their heads, this trauma is never addressed or processed out of the body.
I think it is quite difficult to shift any emotions or past traumas stuck in the body through verbalising. I was never able to identify, process or remove stuck emotions (and many are from a non-verbal phase in my life, too). So, about five years ago, I learnt about EFT (from Instagram) and met a highly skilled coach called Alice Southern, who just so happened to be an EFT practitioner. I started working with her during lockdown, and the results have been remarkable. EFT quickly became one of my go-to techniques (alongside journaling and the 4-7-8 breathing method) to help regulate my nervous system. In this post, I’ll be talking about:
EFT or tapping is all about identifying the physical representation of your emotions and feelings in the body while talking aloud about some of the topics you would like to discuss in talking therapy. Instead of just talking, the words captured are very intentional, including what your body is conveying to you and at the same time, you’re also tapping various energetic meridians (ancient Chinese medicine describes meridian points as a network of channels that allow energy to flow). EFT uses eight meridian points - side of the hand, eyebrow, side of the eye, under the eye, under the nose, under the mouth, collarbone and under the arm, which you tap in order, facilitated by your ETF practitioner.
This helps to process your emotions in your body, because whilst you’re talking, you’re also touching the body, and there’s something about that mind/body connection that allows you to give focus to your bodily sensations which often in turn changes how your emotions present in your body.
The way it works practically with an EFT practitioner/coach is that you explain to them what you’re feeling in your own words, and the practitioner will form a script for you and then repeat your words back to you whilst showing you which meridian to tap on at what time, and then you repeat those words back to them, whilst mirroring their tapping. You might need to do two or three rounds of tapping before the feeling shifts in your body, and the physical representation of your emotions might move to a different part of your body, or it might become more intense or less intense. It’s really about focusing on whatever you’re experiencing in your body due to your emotions/feelings. If you struggle to identify your emotions and put them into words, check out my Feelings Wheel post. It’s a great tool to help you (and for you to use daily).
It has really helped me to get curious about how I am feeling, and since I have learned to start listening to what my body is saying about my emotions and trying to understand them and actually process them, it's done me a world of good and really helped me with self-regulation. Here are some other benefits of EFT:
It reduces stress and overwhelm by signalling to your brain that you are safe, which lowers cortisol levels, which also helps you process your emotions.
It helps to remove stuck emotions that can exasperate ADHD and mental health, improving executive functioning.
It can help process past trauma by addressing your emotional response to traumatic memories and triggers, giving you a release for distress, and detaching emotion from the memory.
It can help with behavioural changes and breaking unhealthful habits by managing the emotional triggers that create them so that you can replace them with healthier habits.
Finally, all of this together can help you stay regulated which leads to better relationships, better executive functioning, better productivity and ultimately more success and filfillment in life! What's not to love?
Although I always recommend working with a practitioner, you can do it yourself. You can also add it to your morning routine (also recommended). You can read more about how a morning routine can help you regulate and boost performance here, or you can download the Ayama Morning Routine One-Pager—it’s free! In the meantime, here’s a quick step-by-step guide to DIY it.
Think of one specific issue that holds emotional weight - this could be anxiety around a big meeting you have coming up or a task you need to finish with a tight deadline.
Think of a phrase that acknowledges the issue and an affirmation to counteract it. For example, Even though I’m nervous about this important meeting, I am confident in myself.
Use two fingers to gently tap on the meridian points on the top of your head, your eyebrows, the side of your eyes, under your eyes, under the nose, your chin, your collarbone, and under your arm.
Repeat multiple times while repeating your affirmation, and pay attention to how you feel about your body and the emotional weight of the issue. Has it changed? Keep going until you feel your anxiety begin to fade.
Quick Tip: Something I really love about EFT is the way it uses the power of metaphor; metaphors are extremely powerful in coaching. In EFT, all you need to do is envisage how your emotions appear; they could be colours or take shape or form. For me, I sometimes imagine a bottle with a cork stuck in my throat, making me a bit croaky, which usually means I want to say something that I’ve been holding back on. Over time, using EFT, I’ve been able to change its temperature, texture, or shape to release the cork, allowing me to say the things I’ve been holding back. This is a massive relief and has been very helpful for my relationships - why not try it?
EFT is massively helpful, and I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to make some big shifts. That’s all from me on EFT but keep your eyes peeled for my next post all about strengths journaling.
Warm wishes
Nat x

Hi, I am Nat. I help people become more fulfilled and happy in their working lives by aligning their careers or businesses with their skills, values, and interests and helping them overcome barriers to making the desired change.
I am also a trained ADHD coach. I work with neurodivergent people who want to harness their brains for the better and improve their relationships with themselves.
Book a FREE consultation below if you would benefit from some coaching on your work life.